
Cover picture © Müller & Sohn, Silentium, Acrylic on canvas, 210 x 120 cm, 2022
Cover picture © Müller & Sohn, Silentium, Acrylic on canvas, 210 x 120 cm, 2022

Müller & Sohn solo exhibition at 2 locations

Gallery of the City of Plochingen & Schauraum, Kulturpark Dettinger
Gallery of the town of Plochingen | Marktstraße 36 | 73207 Plochingen
Mon, Wed + Sat 10 am – 1 pm | Tue + Thu 10 am – 1 pm + 2 pm – 5 pm | Fri 9 am – 4 pm
Showroom | Kulturpark Dettinger | Esslinger Str. 56 | 73207 Plochingen
Visits on request by e-mail:

April 05 – May 25, 2024
Vernissage: Thursday, April 04, 2024,
18:30 in the gallery of the city of Plochingen
and afterwards in the showroom

The duo Müller & Sohn present themselves in Plochingen as an aesthetic experimentation and research laboratory and show a cross-section of their extensive multimedia work. With elements of painting, photography, video art, performance and sculpture, they create a total work of art that playfully explores the relationship between man and nature.

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