Our Sponsors

At this point, we would like to express our gratitude to our sponsors and helpers, whose support has made it very much easier for us to do the exhibition in the context of the 58th Venice Bienniale at the Palazzo Mora.

*instinctools, the software company, is supporting creative artists by sharing its international growth and success with them

In the context of the 58th Venice Biennale, the European Cultural Center is hosting and supporting the „PERSONAL STRUCTURES“ exhibition which is being organized by the GAA Foundation at Palazzo Mora. The exhibition will show a cross section of what today can be considered contemporary art. The artists are invited from all around the world to present their personal reflections on time, space and existence and to share it with a broad audience.
As an international company, we encounter, in our day-to-day work, small and large cultural differences that, if they lead to misunderstandings, can influence the quality of our work. But we master these differences by seeking the cultural exchange, paying attention to every culture and treating our counterpart with respect. This approach is also pursued by the exhibition „PERSONAL STRUCTURES“ mentioned before where works by Europeans and non-Europeans are intended to show similarities and differences, with the aim of illustrating the cultural diversity of our world on the one hand and achieving a better understanding of each other on the other.

instinctools GmbH


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